
5 types of body contouring

by | Dec 29, 2022 | Body Contouring

Body fat in different areas is a source of concern for many people, if you want to strengthen muscles, reduce cellulite, or tighten the skin, body contouring is one of the plastic surgery methods to get a slim body, as body contouring is one of the operations Non-surgical to remove stubborn fat from different areas of the body. Your doctor also recommends body contouring treatments and makes sure that they will achieve the best results, while you continue to feel comfortable with the recommended treatments.

What is body contouring?

Body contouring is a medical or surgical procedure that aims to reshape an area of the body in a way that is appropriate for the patient or doctor to see. It may include procedures such as:

  • Getting rid of excess skin.
  • Getting rid of excess fat.
  • Reshape or select an area.

Body contouring does not usually help in losing weight, as it is intended for people who are 20-30% overweight, as body contouring helps in shaping the body and treating certain areas where weight loss is not effective, so stubborn fat is eliminated.

In general, body contouring relies on removing fat by freezing it, burning it with a laser, or melting it with radio and ultrasound waves, or by other surgical methods. It is also used to get rid of excess skin after losing a lot of weight.

There is no significant difference in the results between the surgical and non-surgical methods, but although the surgical methods provide more stable and rapid results, the surgical methods involve greater risks and more recovery time compared to the non-surgical methods.

Body contouring types

There are 5 body contouring approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for being safe and effective:


The cryo device applies relatively cold temperatures to the area to be sculpted, without fear of bruises or tumors as a result of the cold, because the freezing point of fat is higher than the freezing point of the skin, and when the fat is frozen, the bonds between it dissolve, and the body gets rid of it.

After the session is over and the fat is frozen, the body will expel the dissolved fat through the lymphatic system. The CRYOLIPOLYSIS process takes about 30 minutes to an hour.

It is the target areas in the CRYOLIPOLYSIS operation:

  • abdomen
  • arms
  • back fat
  • bra fat
  • double chin
  • Flanks
  • Thighs


Laser body contouring is applied to people with sagging skin or a weight that is slightly more than the ideal weight. The device applies high heat to affect the structure of collagen under the skin, and then the skin is tightened, or heat is applied to fat cells and melts them, then the body removes the melted fat from The body in 12 weeks, and it is used in the main areas such as the abdomen and the procedure is done in 35 minutes.

It should be noted that although this procedure requires high heat, it is a low temperature that the patient can tolerate.


A special vest with ten electrodes is placed on the main muscle parts such as the chest, abdomen, upper and lower back, arms and feet.

The jacket is connected to a RADIOFREQUENCY device, after which the person performs simple and various exercises, each of which focuses on a specific area of the body. This technique helps in removing fat and tightening the body by exercising the core muscles, by taking advantage of the electromagnetic intensity that generates heat and vibration along the jacket.

Fourth: EnCurve Radiofrequency

EnCurve is a simple and convenient treatment for body contouring without any surgical procedure at all, the radio wave energy penetrates the tissue, targeting the fat cells in the deep layers of the skin, then when the ideal temperature is reached, the energy focused on the fat cells will rapidly vibrate the cells to produce heat in them , which leads to the death of cells, and then excreted from the body in natural ways.

Advantages of body contouring with the EnCurve device:

  • Comfortable, painless treatment.
  • Treat a variety of areas including the arms, stomach, legs, and waist for full coverage for natural looking results.
  • Fast and safe treatment.
  • Radiofrequency treatment is easy and non-invasive.

Fifth: Vaser device

The Vaser device relies on amplifying sound waves to generate vibration and heat. The device comes with a wand, and it is inserted through a small surgical incision under the skin. The area is injected with saline and anesthetic, then the device that generates vibration and heat is turned on.

The heat melts the bonds between the fat cells and between the layers of the skin on the one hand, and inside the fat cells on the other hand, and the vibrations break it down and mix it with the liquid so that the fat becomes semi-liquid, so that it can be easily sucked out by means of a tube that is inserted from the same incision later on.


    What are the risks and harms of body contouring?

    It is possible to notice swelling or marks resulting from the body contouring process, but they are not permanent, and the results of the operation are usually visible after approximately 6 months, during which the body recovers and has adapted to the difference resulting from the disappearance of fat cells.

    It is recommended to practice light exercise to reduce some complications such as blood clots, and tight clothes should be worn to reduce bloating, and it is also preferable to follow a healthy diet to ensure good results after body contouring.

    Among the most important complications of body contouring are the following:

    skin problems such as:

    • permanent marks.
    • change in skin color
    • Loss of sensation in some areas of the skin exposed to the operation.
    • Infections or adverse effects of anesthesia.
    • Clots in the operation area.
    • It is preferable to see a doctor if some of these complications occur, but they are rare in general.

    Who can undergo body contouring sessions?

    After we know together how body contouring is done using many methods and techniques, it is important to know who can undergo fat breaking procedures in general, of course not everyone can do this procedure, and in general, the candidate cases for body contouring are as follows:

    • People who are not severely overweight or obese.
    • People whose weight gain does not exceed 20% of their ideal weight.
    • Cases that do not suffer from any health problem that prevents them from undergoing this type of non-surgical sculpting.
    • Skin and muscle tissue should be healthy and not have an autoimmune problem.
    • People who do not have complications from cryo or any other fat breaking technique.

    Body contouring features:

    • It is not done using general anesthesia.
    • The recovery period is very short and some procedures do not require a recovery period.
    • The results are long term to permanent as long as the weight is maintained.
    • The treatment shows gradual natural results.

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