
Top plastic surgeons in Breast Augmentation

by | Mar 1, 2023 | Cosmetic surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed by plastic surgeons, that aims to enhance breast size, weight, shape, and fullness.

 This procedure is the best way to feel more feminine and more confident for those suffering from very lean breasts, or those who underwent a mastectomy or breast removal.

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation – medically known as augmentation mammoplasty- is a procedure that aims to increase breast size and weight and improve its shape and fullness.


Are both Breast augmentation and breast implants the same?


Both terms are commonly used synonymously, but they are different from each other. Augmentation mammoplasty refers to a breast enhancement procedure, while breast implants are medical prosthesis inserted into the breasts during the augmentation procedure to enhance their size and shape.


What are the major differences between them?

 Both share the same techniques and might be performed by the same plastic surgeon, however, they differ in aims and candidates.

 Breast reconstruction is a procedure performed to recreate breasts after breast removal (mastectomy) due to cancer or any other cause. It’s performed by using either implants or other tissue from the same body, while augmentation of your breasts is an elective procedure performed to reach the perfect breast size and shape.


Can Breast reconstruction be performed just after mastectomy?

 Yes, it can be performed just after a mastectomy or later. Also, it might be performed just once or require multiple surgeries.

Why do people get breast size enhancement?

Augmentation mammoplasty is one of the most popular surgeries performed by plastic surgeons. People are rushing to perform this procedure for the following aims;


Restoring a previous breast size

 When breasts size highly decreased after pregnancy or lactation, or as a result of massive weight loss, or aging.


Correcting breast asymmetry

 Having asymmetric breasts in either size or shape is common, and the most prominent cause is experiencing damage to the tissue in one breast before puberty.


Be more feminine

Breast enhancements are performed to feel more feminine, and improve self-esteem and body image for those who are very lean, or with extremely small breasts in proportion with their body.


How is breast size enhancement achieved?

 Breast size can be enhanced either by inserting breast implants into the breasts or by fat transfer, which means transferring fats suctioned from a selected body area and injecting them into the breasts.

What are the differences between both breast augmentation types?

There are two main types of breast enhancement surgery: breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. Within those two types, there are multiple options based on your targets and expectations regarding your breast’s look, size, and feel.

You have to fully research to know the pros and cons of each type and to talk with your plastic surgeon about your expectations before deciding on a certain option.


Breast implants

Breast implants are the most common types of augmentation mammoplasty, breast implants are artificial devices inserted surgically by a plastic surgeon into your breasts. FDA-approved implants are shells made of silicone either silicone gel or saline filled.


Types of breast implants

Before deciding to undergo breast augmentation using inserted breast implants, your plastic surgeon should inform you about available types and disclose to you the benefits and risks of each one.

 All the available types are either silicone or saline-filled and these types are:


Saline breast implants

Saline is a sterile salt water, so If the implant breaks inside the breast, which is rare,  the body will absorb the saline and then naturally get rid of it.


Structured saline breast implants

These implants have an inner structure that helps you to feel more natural results.


Silicone breast implants

These implants are filled with silicone gel, the gel nature helps the silicone to stay within the shell if breaking or leakage occurs. Although these implants are safe in case of leakage if you decide to get silicone implants, you might have to visit your plastic surgeon regularly to ensure the implants are working properly.


Gummy bear breast implants

In this type of implant, shells are filled with silicone that is more firm and thick than traditional implants. Your plastic surgeon might perform a longer incision in your skin to insert this type of implant.


Round breast implants

These types of implants aim to make breasts look fuller and not affect their size.


Smooth breast implants

 These implants are the softest of all implants. This makes breast movement look more smooth and more natural than other implants.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation


In this type of breast augmentation, the plastic surgeon uses liposuction to remove unwanted fat cells from a selected body area, these cells are purified and finally reinjected into the breast.

The plastic surgeon usually removes more fat cells than they’ll use taking into account those cells that die off during the process of suctioning and purification.

A plastic surgeon might suction these fat cells in several body areas, making this type of breast augmentation best fits those who need to contour selected body areas in addition to enhancing the breast size.


When is it not the best to perform fat transfer breast augmentation?

This way of breast augmentation might not be suitable for those with high expectations and waiting for more dramatic changes, fat transfer results in not more than one cup increase in the breast size.

People who do have no enough body fat may not be a good candidate for fat transfer.

This procedure is two processes in one, liposuction and breast augmentation, which means an increased cost.

Top plastic surgeons in breast augmentation

Of course, you think about performing breast augmentation sometimes, but who is the best plastic surgeon to consult? 

Dr. Ali Gaber

Dr. Yasser Badi


Tips to find out the top plastic surgeon

Look for surgeon certifications.

  • Ask for experiences and the number of successful procedures performed.
  • Search for the honest, the one who told you about the realistic outcomes, not the perfect outcomes.
  • Search for the facility, and be sure that the surgery facility the surgeon uses is accredited.
  • Search for positive feedback from patients who underwent successful surgeries and look for their level of satisfaction.


There is no perfect look or ideal shape for breasts, also there is no cutoff point for ideal breast size and weight, but it is important to be satisfied with your breast’s size, shape, fullness, and contour.


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Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation


In this type of breast augmentation, the plastic surgeon uses liposuction to remove unwanted fat cells from a selected body area, these cells are purified and finally reinjected into the breast.

The plastic surgeon usually removes more fat cells than they’ll use taking into account those cells that die off during the process of suctioning and purification.


a plastic surgeon might suction these fat cells in several body areas, making this type of breast augmentation best fits those who need to contour selected body areas in addition to enhancing the breast size.


When is it not the best to perform fat transfer breast augmentation?

This way of breast augmentation might not be suitable for those with high expectations and waiting for more dramatic changes, fat transfer results in not more than one cup increase in the breast size.


People who do have no enough body fat may not be a good candidate for fat transfer.


This procedure is two processes in one, liposuction and breast augmentation, which means an increased cost.

What kind of qualifications are required by liposuction surgeons?


Not all cosmetic surgeons are experts in performing liposuction. An expert in performing certain types of body contouring like facelifts, or arm lifts may not be an expert in performing liposuction.

 In-depth training in the techniques used,   minimizing the risk of infection, training, and knowledge of the pharmacological details associated with tumescent local anesthesia, in addition to an acceptable number of successful liposuction patients treated, are the minimum acceptable qualifications plastic surgeons need to perform liposuction.


Who can perform body sculpting?


Nurses, physician assistants, aestheticians, massage therapists, or anyone who has been trained by the device manufacturing companies can perform the procedure under the supervision of a physician or a dermatologist that are well trained in dealing with possible adverse reactions and sensitivities. And that should be done in licensed clinics or facilities.



Body contouring is an elective step in your life that dramatically affects your appearance, so take your time, define your goals, and set your priorities to put yourself on the first step in the right way.

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