
What is the best of liposuction?

by | Apr 8, 2023 | liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in Egypt and around the world for both men and women.

Liposuction is a wide range of techniques that all aim to permanently get rid of unwanted and stubborn body fat from almost all body areas that are resistant to diet and exercise.

New advanced liposuction techniques have arisen over years resulting in a surprising amount of types of liposuction strategies. But which one is the best regarding safety, side effects, risks, and the robustness of the results?

We would discuss the most commonly used techniques in Egypt, the pros and cons of each, and which is the best option for you.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction, simply known as lipo, is an invasive type of fat removal that mainly targets stubborn fat that is unresponsive to traditional weight loss strategies. Lipo can not only remove unwanted fat but also improve the body’s contours and result in a more youthful, slim, and firm look.


Most popular body areas where lipo can be performed


Liposuction is safely performed on almost body areas, but it is most commonly performed on:




While buttock augmentation or famously known as a Brazilian Butt Lift is a commonly performed procedure to improve the volume, shape, and contour of the buttocks, having excess fat in the buttocks is not usually desirable. Buttock lipo removes unwanted fat deposits, minimizes some unpleasant dimpling, and helps obtain a more proportionate look.


Love handles


This is referred to the waist and flanks area, which are incredibly difficult to respond to exercise and diet, these areas are extremely common areas for liposuction, and outcomes obtained from performing lipo in such areas are great especially when you have acceptable skin elasticity.

Upper arms


Unpleasant saggy and droopy arms, commonly known as  “batwing”, are not related to being overweight, but rather related to lack of muscle tone. Lipo can smoothen and tighten the area of the upper arms resulting in a firmer, more youthful appearance.




The abdomen is often divided by plastic surgeons into two separately treated regions.

The lower region is responsible for the love handles, this fatty flesh that hangs when you over-tighten your pants.

While the area between the belly button and the ribs is considered the upper region, and despite holding stubborn layers of fat, the upper region lipo is less popular than the lower region.

 Liposuction is not a weight loss tool, however, both regions of abdominal lipo can achieve a slimmer, sleeker profile.



Performing lipo here is more common in women, especially those seeking an amazing feminine look since removing excess deposits of fat in the hips area reveals we -defined,  smooth, and shapely hips and can improve the look of the buttocks as well.




Three sections of the thighs where liposuction can be performed, but unlike the abdomen,  they’re often all treated together not separately.

The outer thigh lipo aims to enhance the thigh’s overall shape, the inner thigh lipo aims to contour your thigh “gap” when standing, and finally, the posterior thigh lipo,  the “banana roll” area, aims to give the buttocks a more defined, firmer appearance.


Lower legs


While lower-leg lipo reshapes your profile to a more proportionate, slimmer one, it’s the least commonly performed liposuction.




Performing lipo here is more popular among men than women. Men who suffer from gynecomastia commonly undergo breast reduction procedures either through removing excess, unwanted fat by liposuction, or through removing excess breast tissue.

Women also undergo breast lipo for breast reduction surgery which can be performed in combination with a breast lift to improve the breast contour.




Facial fat removal is generally a safe procedure and one of the easiest areas in the body to perform lipo. Cheek lipo, double chin liposuction, and neck tightening are very popular procedures for women and men seeking a more youthful look.

Types of liposuction techniques


After we discussed different body areas where lipo can be performed, we would discuss different types of techniques through which unwanted fats are removed.


Tumescent liposuction


This technique, also known as fluid injection lipo, is the most common lipo type.

In this type, a large amount of a medical solution is injected into the selected area and is then suctioned out along with the fat.

This fluid is a mixture of a local anesthetic, a drug to contract the blood vessels, and an intravenous salt solution. Its amount is about three times the amount of fat that needs to be removed. This type of liposuction generally takes longer time than other types.


Super-wet liposuction


This method is similar to tumescent lipo, but different in the amount of fluid injected during the surgery. The amount here is equal to the amount of fat to be removed.

 This technique takes less time than tumescent but is often performed under general anesthesia.

Ultrasound-assisted lipo (UAL)


This technique involves the use of ultrasonic vibrations either externally (by applying it with a special emitter above the surface of the skin) or internally (by applying it with a small, heated cannula below the surface of the skin) to convert fat cells into liquid which will be vacuumed out.

UAL is effective in the fat removal from dense, fibrous areas of the body like the upper back or enlarged male breast tissue.

UAL might be used together with the tumescent technique for greater precision.


Laser-assisted lipo (LAL)


This technique uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells before being vacuumed out.

The possible advantage of LAL over other lipo methods is the tube (cannula) used during this technique is smaller than the ones used in other techniques, for that reason surgeons prefer using it for confined areas like the chin, jowls, and face.

In addition, the energy emitted from the laser beam stimulates collagen production, a fiber-like protein that helps maintain skin elasticity.



What is the best kind of liposuction?


Which body area if I contour I will reach the perfect look? Which technique best fits my needs? Who are the top 5 plastic surgeons in liposuction?


The indeed answer to all these questions is a good plastic surgeon. Your plastic surgeon is the most accurate person who can help you to reach the right decision regarding which body area to contour and which technique fits your target.

When you reach a stable body weight and dream of reaching a contoured body, consultants at tagmeel academy could accurately assess your case and help you to select the area or areas where liposuction should be performed, and according to the amount fat needed to be removed to reach your target, they would select the suitable technique fits that target.

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